Exciting NEW Federal Fellows concentration in Political Engagement and Advocacy!!!

Just Opened— APPLY NOW! For students of ALL MAJORS! Interested in political engagement at the local, state or national levels? Want to run for office, become a staffer on the Hill, and/or influence or make policy? Apply NOW to the amazing, empowering Federal Fellows Program! 

PERKS include:          

·         Fall semester courseThe instructor has over 20 years of political development, public affairs, community relations and civic education experience working in the Federal government, private sector and non-profit organizations. Class visitors will includepractitioners with experience in the political, civic engagement, and advocacy arenas.

·         DC spring internship at sites including the Hill, federal agencies, NGOs, private organizations, embassies, think tanks, etc. 

·         Scholarship in Practice credit for internship

·         Spring internship credit through our program or through your major/program!

·         Notation on your transcript as a Federal Fellow!

·         Seminar course fulfills an upper level GVPT degree requirement

·         Year-round professional development activities, including field trips, one-on-one help with resumes and interviews, etc.

·         Join a lively, engaged student cohort group (and alumni network)!  

APPLY NOW!!! Application Link: Online Application

 For more information regarding the Political Engagement and Advocacy course and application requirements, visit http://federalfellows.umd.edu or contact our office: 2407 Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-0261.


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